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Kantor said:
kitler53 said:
c0rd said:
blackstar said:
radha said:
i only hear bad new about sony, what is going on? are they working to make the gamers angry? i mean there seems to be few reasons to buy a ps3 when the 360 has the same games(ff13, tekken..) more jrpgs, more shooters. etc. and is only 200-300 bucks. and the ps3 exclusive are not that appealing( except for metal gear but thats one game..... bring up uncharted cus it only last 10 hours and hs 6 hours , what a joke).

now what is this???

really what is this???

Haha, I think it's a disappointed PS3 fan. Either way it isn't a Wii fan, so don't start there xP

@kitler53: They've only put out two games so far, both on the PS2.

2001 - Ico

2005 - Shadow of the Colossus

I haven't been able to play Ico yet, but I've got SotC and it's amazing.

yeah, shadow of the colossus was the one i was taking notice of.  wow, that game looks amazing.  i can see why ps3 fans would be excited to see what they're up to.

ICO doesn't come off as good in that short video but i'll take your guys' word on it being great.


Shadow of The Colossus was pretty mediocre in my opinion. Sure, the colossi were cool, but the complete lack of any other enemies was seriously unimpressive (unless you count tree lizards and apples)

Hopefully, this new game will have a lot more depth, because SoTC was a solid concept, just not very well executed. And there is no room for a sequel. At all.



You suck.


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).