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Enough is enough.

My 360 as of late has become my second DVD player and an ugly DVD player at that.  Nothing interests me on this console and I'm f***ing tired of this nex-gen DARK and GRIDDY.  What's the f***ing use of HD graphics if they're only being used for FPS after FPS with the occasional JRPG/WPRG which hasn't changed much at all since FF7.  Yea I said it.  It's not only this that repels me from my 360 but I'm afraid it might RROD and I don't have a warranty.  RARE was probably the only reason I held on to it as long as I did but I have no interest in RARE being Microsoft's convenient Nintendo substitute. YEA I F***ING said it.  For example, after replaying Kameo, I've found that it's frightening similar in places to Zelda and the Avatar thing is obvious.  Also, I'm a HUGE platformer fan and grew up with Banjo Kazooie but Nuts and Bolts looks a bastardized version of the classic.

By the way, flame me all you want.  I'm not changing my mind.  I guess I'm truly going full N this gen.

Leave Luck to Heaven, Baby!


Pixel Art can be fun.