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"Conduit is overhyped but that's a topic for another thread."

LOL? who knows about conduit? nintendo fans and small % of neogaf/vgchartz kind of forums yet nobody is claiming: "conduit IS GAME OF DA YEAH" crap.
now look at GOW2, R2, KZ2 and other hd shooters that unlike conduit are only slightly improved graphically versions of their predecesors(conduit is bringing some completely new stuff into the table) yet i read 100 times "game of da yeah" crap eventhough they didn't show anything that would give those games anything more than 7.5-8/10.

if conduit is overhyped than please tell what gow2, r2 and rest of those clones are especially since conduit is the most innovative and fresh game out of all upcoming fps/tps(except mirror's edge)?