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I can't believe it... I was thinking about it on the bus today. last week, I got kinda crazy and thought about determinism and games and how you CAN'T change the outcome of the game because, even if you are given alternatives, the game knows how it will end anyway. then today I was listening to LITTLE SISTER from QotsA which made me think about choices once again and broguht me to Bioshock and the "pseudo"-issue about killing the girls and all, and how it should be an issue but in the end it's just an "option" - and naturally I thought about the linearity of the games and the way the stories are told, if the story or the storytelling was bad.

what's funny, I was thinking about something like Far Cry 2 (which I didn't know about until NOW). fundamentally what I was thinking was how you could you make a game in which the player takes choices that affects the overall plot of the game and the END of a story, while giving him a feeling of "completing" the game. the counter-example would be Civilization games, in which you are not forced to follow any particular path (even though it's still not "free will") but when you end the game your actions become a timeline and a score.

hopefully everything I said above doesn't make me look like I'm on drugs, because I'm not :P

and btw, I like both styles, but this third option is something I think about once in a while :P

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!