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pimpcoop said:
Kasz216 said:
highwaystar101 said:
He seems OK, but not great, there are a few policies I don't agree with.

Now Obama, that voting for that guy would be a vote for change.


If you mean going from pandering to Bush's special interest lobbiest to pandering to Obama's special lobbiests.

The American system is a lot like being slowley killed to death by two different torture machiens... changing them really doesn't change the fact that your going to be in torture for the next 4 years... but since the pain will be in a different place you don't care as much.

See if we get someone who wants to fix it the goverment and has a plain like Bob Barr, then we can save it. Both McBama signed for the bailout bill and McCain wants to spend another 700 Million more to fix the ecconmy. With all the money spent I will be paying this back till I die and it will be hard for me to get any 401k started any time soon. Also McCain wants to stay in Iraq for a lot longer. If Obama gets in the US we live in now will not be the same any more. Say good bye to a lot of things the white people know now. We will be second class citizens. Just think about this all the problems we have right now are becuase of the Gop and Dem. If we get someone from another party to run the country, then we can get the goverment moving in a better direction!!! That will never happen with McBama

This is why I say it is an imature ideology.  You assume instantly that it's only about the individual.  The bail out wasn't to keep individual investors from losing money.  It was to make sure that our free market economy didn't pull the US into a new dark age where people (even hard working people) are struggling to get enough to eat and crime goes through the roof.

It's really easy for people to come up with the ultimate solution.  But we oversimplify, we live together on the planet (whether we like it or not) and we have to deal with different political systems and values.  Every time some one sells a Utopian image to get in to power, the results end up being disasterous.

You say, "If we get someone from another party to run the country..." blah blah blah.  Your focus on "someone, anyone" shows the lack of understanding of how thing work.  We have a system, it works.  Wanna be a hero? Go be a revolutionary in a country that needs one.  Go to a Myanmar or Sudan, go help some people out.  Or open up a book, learn about one of the key components to society and contribute to that area.  Or keep calling for a revolution.

BTW, your a dishwasher and I work at a hotel... we have shitty jobs.  Under Barr and Libertarianism do you think that our wages will go up or down?  Do you think our purchasing power will go up or down?  Do you thinki our working conditions will get better or worse? 

Do you know where all the labor reforms and regulations came from?

I really suggest learning about Henry Ford paying off government officials to send in the National Gaurd to kill workers who were demonstrating for better working conditions (like no more than 12 hour per day, six day per week work weeks).  That's just one example.

The captains of industry (Ford, Carnagie, etc.) had the backing of America and they fucked her up the ass.

It only works if everyone plays by the rules.  Just like everyother radical ideology.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.