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In Japan you're starting to see this happen with Tales and MH3 but for franchises that are bigger in the West than Japan I doubt this will happen at all.

3rd parties are at this point convinced that the core crowd are all getting HD systems (although many also own a Wii). Since that's the market that's been buying those games all these years that's who they'll continue to cater too. Wii's audience is a lot more diversified and that means convincing people to buy instead of relying on a built in audience.  Also Wii is very popular with the ladies a group that generally show little interest with the 'core' games in question.  Again many Wii owners who would be interested in those titles own HD systems anyway.

Hopefully Wii will get more franchises of it's own that cater to it's strength like Conduit and Red Steel 2.  WiiMotionPlus should certainly help in that regard as many of those games we all envisioned can now truly come to fruitition.