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WessleWoggle said:
blink182 said:
I wouldn't play a game, i'd spend as long as i need learning how to create/develop/make/ produce a game from scratch and make any style of game i wanted, if i had to only have one console it'd be the xbox360 that i'd develop for and i'd develop a motion control peripheral for it so i could have a wii360, yay.

Way to think outside the box. ;") If developing a video game was a video game, this would be applicable. You fail. You can't do that. It's not possible. You're thinking outside the word game. You will be terminated... Terminated.... THE CAKE IS A LIE!




you've inspired me son, i'd develop a game just like portal that's neverending, where the levels create themselves on the fly, where every level will be a new experience with varying difficulty, maybe some portals will take you back in time or to other areas, forest portal, yeah, i like that, desert portal, maybe, ice world portal, not so much.

People will pay lots of money for my wii360 and i'd set up my own hardware and software company called "nintendosoft" we''l have 83% marketshare and the best exclusives (subjective) we'd be unstoppable, i'd use the profit to program supreme enhanced a.i that could create games using miyamoto and goichi sudas minds as templates.

That would be the game i'd play.


p.s mushroom kingdom portal, hell yeah, maybe???


nintendo and sega fan since i was old enough to hold a game controller.

note: my games collection on my profile is only 20ish% complete, i've got a boatload of 360,saturn and dreamcast games to add and a few ps3 games, thanks :)