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Faxanadu said:
lightbleeder said:
Faxanadu said:
So you are proud of destroying your ex-fiancees life, the mother of your daughter? You laugh at her that she gave you 12 years of her life, hoping to be with you together forever and all you do is screw around with 19 year olds and then you think it is cool she has to go back to her parents house, her life in shatters while you screw a 21 year old girl and drive a fancy car?

Way to go guy. You are so cool.

I think you have a valid point, but I'll let the guy explain himself first. It's sad when relationships end, but it's no good when you have a relatrionship with a woman because she's the mother of your children, you won't be happy at all if there isn't love between you two. I'm guessing our pal here takes care of his daughter in some ways and the mother in other ways, I'm pretty sure the girl will grow happily. I don't agree on cheating (well, I don't cheat, I'm just the guy girls use to cheat on their boyfriends) but if the poster did then it's a good thing the relationship ended, I hope the mother get's back on track with her life and finds a man that loves her deeply, as I'm sure our guy here wants...


You mean as in: after 12 years he finally decided that he might not be in love with her.


So I guess you've never been in love and then got out of it, right? I've been in love, right now I'm not. Maybe that's the casse here, divorce rates are pretty high, are you trying to tell me that most of those people weren't in love when they married? Don't get me wrong, nowadays people take marriage for granted, thay seem to marry just because, and then get divorced as nothing happened, I know people my age (21) that have been married several times, I don't want that for me, that's why I'm not planning to settle until my late 20s...