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CAL4M1TY said:

So many things wrong with this post.

1. Yes the hype did get to people (SE's event anyone)... but Sony did exactly what they were suppose to do... here and Liepzig... and E3... Which was show games. Just because everyone expect some huge things doesn't mean sony was disapointing. Let's see... Quatum Theory, WKC info, Demon's Soul, Yakuza 3 trailer and more...(exactly like SE's event) sounds pretty good to me..

I think the point is, Sony said they would show NEW GAMES, and people were expecting big titles from well known franchises, they didn't get that, and they are rightfully so, I mean look at the PS2's franchises library, what possesses Sony in their state right now (Losing money and losing this gen) to go untested formula's as opposed to what works and what sells?

2. Little info? Plot was released, 4 player co-op was released with info(different game online supposidly), Character backgrounds... what else were you asking for?

3. Tekken 6 might be big for you... but someone like me who never owned a fighting game... since MK trilogy... whoop... dee... do... I'm sure many others feel the same way.

You're kidding right? Quite the opposite, MANY others believe Tekken 6 is HUGE (probably because it was always believed to be a PS3 exclusive forever)

4. SF4 wasn't always multi?

5. Hm... Halo 3 8 million sold... MGS3 and 4 less than 5 million... you really think Halo 3 recon will sell more? What ever gave you that idea?

I think Halo 3: Recon will be around 3-5 million, which means it's possible. It's not like it's a non-name game, which is probably why Bungie attached Halo 3 to the title. It's like how Nintendo attaches Wii to their games (Sports, Music, Play, Fit) and they sell buttloads despite being demo's.

I love it how PS3 fanboys dismiss a game once it because multiplatform. If MGS4 went multiplatform: "It's a niche market game, no one cares about it"


did i dismiss it because its multiplat? no i dismissed it because it was a fight. And sales show the game is severly lacking. Last few game hasnt passed 2 mil... how HUGE is that?

and they didn't show new games? Thats news to me... Yakuza 3, Quantum Theory, and Demons Soul.... thought those were just announced.... Though Yakuza 3 had some screens last week... maybe 2... okay yeah I guess that is old...

 (And let's not forget the Infamous and WKC info that was shown... which is what these events are for)

Oh and nice sarcasim detector you have.