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Spiteful49 said:

Sony was very disappointing because of all the hype I read on this site. I am still waiting for a reason to dish out $400. I am thinking I just have to wait for God of War 3 to come out to finally decide if I want to buy one or not. I cant believe how little info was released for WKC. Doesnt it come out in 2 1/2 months in Japan and this is TGS and they had a special news conference about it!!! WTF?

I am pretty happy with MS. Tekken 6 was huge even if it was leaked a couple hours before the show. I am an old school fan who was excited about that game coming out even if it was only on the PS3. Now I have more of a reason to be excited about it!! Hopefully fighting games will become more popular again with SF4 and now T6 going multiplat.

SO4 trailer was the best trailer shown IMO and TLR looked good too. I am more hyped for those JRPGS!

Everyone is down playing the new Halo game too much. They are making it more tactical and the online play is going to be HUGE! If that was MGS 4.5 announced instead with a brand new campaign people on this site people would be crying they have to wait until September. The new Halo game could easily outsell MGS4.... but you guys are right no big thing...

So many things wrong with this post.

1.  Yes the hype did get to people (SE's event anyone)... but Sony did exactly what they were suppose to do... here and Liepzig... and E3... Which was show games. Just because everyone expect some huge things doesn't mean sony was disapointing. Let's see... Quatum Theory, WKC info, Demon's Soul, Yakuza 3 trailer and more...(exactly like SE's event) sounds pretty good to me..

2. Little info? Plot was released, 4 player co-op was released with info(different game online supposidly), Character backgrounds... what else were you asking for?

3. Tekken 6 might be big for you... but someone like me who never owned a fighting game... since MK trilogy... whoop... dee... do... I'm sure many others feel the same way.

4. SF4 wasn't always multi?

5. Hm... Halo 3 8 million sold... MGS3 and 4 less than 5 million... you really think Halo 3 recon will sell more? What ever gave you that idea?