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hatmoza 2.0 said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
yes sony was a great dissapointment and i was hoping after today (2nd day) that sony would have had something under its sleeve , but to my dissapointment ...nope
games i played that i realy liked : LBP and R2
games i played and were suprisingly good : i think it was called soul dragon and some castlevania game that was like street fighter
breath taking trailers : halo wars and everthing final fantasy

and for all the haters that dont believe im in chiba eat shii
and for everyone else i promise a shii load of pics when i get back cuz im not aloud to upload stuff on these computers

oh yakuza 3 is the best looking yakuza ever
kun nichi wa and matanay i get back on the 15 th


 Demons Soul???? The one where a knight is on the bridge and a dragon attacks it then flys away?

yup and the dragon has corpses hangin outta its jaw !!! its pretty impressive


We had a demo video of it... it looked bad. But I wasnt there. If you played it and liked it thats good news.