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KBG29 said:
Two years is a very likly bet. By holiday 2010 PS3 will be well below $299, and stand alone drives will be well under $99. Then add in the fact that Stores are going to be stripping more and more floor space from DVD and adding to Blu-ray, and I think people will get the hint. The only people that are going to hold off are the ones that have some kind of Blu-ray grudge. Average consumers just take the hint. Blu-ray movies start coming out weeks earlyer, and DVD's become by order only. Most people will just decide it is time to move on and go BR.

So your saying the only reason it is giong to take off is because all the big companies are going to shove Blu down the consumers throat?

I see absolutely no reason why the mass market will adopt bluray.  This is the same mass market that sees no difference between upscaled DVD and Bluray, all they will see is price which will always be in the DVD favour IMO.