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TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
There's a chance he could pull a Bill Clinton and go "Oops, can't afford my tax cuts, the debt's worse than I thought, sorry, here's the biggest tax hike in history" and then the economy will soar to new heights and unemployment will go down for 8 years straight, especially for blacks and other minorities, and everybody will have jobs and health care and forget he flip flopped and the world will be a better place.

But, I guess that could be a bad thing if you're a "free market even when people are starving and freezing to death in the streets because charity instead of taxes should solve everything" kind of guy. Sorry if I sound like a dick and that's not really your angle on the free market. But I've heard that a lot recently from people in real life and on the internets and I don't like it when people die.


Yea Ghost, that's what I want... for people to die...

Around 300 billion a year is given to charities. Far more domestic money for the poor then the government gives. A much larger percentage of that money comes from Republicans then Democrats (mainly due to faith based charities, and religious people tend to be republican). So, the argument that Republicans want people to die is insane.

No, I want a government that cares about 100% of the people, and is for 100% of the people. I don't want to sacrifice the freedoms of the top 5% just because it's easy, and they have money.

I am not a "give a man a fish" kind of guy. I am far more a "teach a man to fish" kind of guy, even if it cost more.

It's not about the money, it's about the ideology. Oh, and trust me, if you give a man the opportunity to work, and not working means dying, a man will work.. 100% of the time. No one will die.


Haha, I was drunk when I posted that last night.  I know you're not nuts or evil.  I had a roommate over the summer who was a free market guy though, and he said that if you offered any homeless person a job, they would turn it down, because they like to be homeless, and they're homeless because they want to be.  He didn't believe that homeless people die in the streets, until my wife told him she worked at a bar in New York and she clocked out at 4 am and had to step over frozen bums on the way home, and saw people picking them up when they were dead.

Regarding the homeless, the vast majority of them get back on their feet in a few weeks or a few months.  The "homeless population" or the "chronic homeless" are almost all mentally handicapped and/or drug addicts and/or victims of sex abuse and/or war veterans.  They're not exactly going to get jobs any time soon.  Do we give them enough change so they can have fast food and beer until they die, or do we try to give them shelters, or should we put them in hospitals or something?


My opinion is that we should legalize drugs, which would empty half our prisons, and then convert them into homeless shelters.  We'd cut spending on prison security, public defense attorneys for possession of drugs, and other legal red tape, and we'd stop tearing families apart and have more healthy people on the streets working, instead of in jail, and the unhealthy people would have a place to sleep.  I think it's a win/win situation for liberals like me and libertarians like you.  We just gotta get the anti-drug people on board.