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shams said:

Its this same attitude that makes me think BluRay will struggle to convince the mass market that its worth upgrading to. DVD had significant "ease of use" advantages over VHS - BluRay has none over DVD.

I'm really not sure where you are going with this 'ease of use' thing.

At first I thought you meant improved functionality, but now I realise you really do mean ease of use...

Thing is, you make out that this factor is what is going to make or break Blu-ray, which is nonsense.  In reality, I'm not sure how anyone could argue that Blu-ray is easier to use than DVD (the auto-restart point from where you last left it, even after removing the disk maybe?), but even so, it is certainly NO LESS easy to use than DVD either.

Also, you state this:

'The people in my house are too lazy(?) to even turn on the stereo - just one remote click - when watching a movie. They are more than happy to settle for movie sound from the TV (rather then get full surround) - they just don't care.'.

So presumably they can't even be arsed to turn the DVD player on either then?

And finally, you go on to contradict yourself with the comment below.

'When BluRay has become the standard, people will happily blindly use it - as long as it works the same as the old DVD player did'.

It does work basically the same as the old DVD player does, only with improved functionality and improvements in pretty much every area.

If you aren't interested in Blu-ray, then fair enough.  I have no problems at all with that.  However, if that is the case, I really don't see why you would go out of your way to make threads like this.





PSN - hanafuda