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Maybe it's just me, but I'm noticing more and more games that have very little penalty for dying.  Battlefield Bad Company respawns you at your checkpoint and all enemeis you've already killed are still dead.  Bioshock (to my understanding) has the vita chambers and everything you've killed is still dead and all damage you've dealt (to a Big Daddy for example) still counts.  Force Unleashed respawns you at your most recent checkpoint.  The enemies have respawned, but you keep all of the experience you've earned which allows you to get more and more powerful and eventually beat that section.

Anyone else notice this trend?  I'm sure there are plenty more games than this that I've forgotten or just haven't played.

Do you like that type of game design or hate it?

Pro:  It means you'll almost certainly be able to beat the game eventually.

Con:  It takes away some of the challenge and satisfaction of beating a game.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.