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kitler53 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Spanx said:

A new Shadow of Colossus was EVERYTHING Sony needed to get me buying a PS3. I'm serious I'd buy the console just for that game. And then sell it. ut I would buy, no doubt about it...


We've already played shadow of the colossus... do you want ueda's team to become a factory iterating the same game all over?

you've got to admit though...shadow of the colossus would have been even better with the ps3s graphical advantage.  i haven't seen anything on the ps3 to force my hand to get one (wii/360 provides more games then i can play already) but shadow of the colossus 2 would probably do it for me.


Team ICO produces art, rather than churning out sequels. If they release "Shadow of the Colossus 2" I am goign to be extremely disappointed.