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Aiemond said:
Soleron said:
Eliminating the defence budget would solve everything. If the US military was cut down to 'national defence only' and not able to be deployed everywhere, and no new contracts were made in terms of defence technology, that would pretty much pay for everything.



That's the worst idea I have heard since the spending freeze. No new technology? National defense only? I hate to tell you this, but alot of our enemies are not at "national defense only". I agree we can't deploy everywhere, but we have to deploy some places and who knows what those future places may be. It might come that we need to deploy in Ukraine, or some other Eastern European country, it may be that something happens in the middle east where deployment is necessary, or even somewhere in south america. What happens if a rogue states feels like since we are spending less it can act up more and cause trouble? We need to be ready, and not giinvg our troops the best equipment and scrimping on technology is the fastest way to make our army ineffective.


Sounds good. What benefit has the army had on American living standards? Versus how much drain on the budget?

America's enemies can be divided into two types: the organised ones like Russia, and the disorganised ones like Al-Qaeda. What use has hundreds of billions worth of technology had on the latter type? None. It's still pretty much a stalemate in Afghanistan and Iraq. For the former, they wouldn't dare really attack because it would damage their economy, which is dependent on yours. Russia made a few shows of power like Georgia, and their stock markets collapsed (more than everyone else's).

A dollar into education or healthcare would benefit Americans far more than the same dollar on defence.