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blackstar said:
radha said:
i only hear bad new about sony, what is going on? are they working to make the gamers angry? i mean there seems to be few reasons to buy a ps3 when the 360 has the same games(ff13, tekken..) more jrpgs, more shooters. etc. and is only 200-300 bucks. and the ps3 exclusive are not that appealing( except for metal gear but thats one game..... bring up uncharted cus it only last 10 hours and hs 6 hours , what a joke).

now what is this???

really what is this???

Haha, I think it's a disappointed PS3 fan. Either way it isn't a Wii fan, so don't start there xP

@kitler53: They've only put out two games so far, both on the PS2.

2001 - Ico

2005 - Shadow of the Colossus

I haven't been able to play Ico yet, but I've got SotC and it's amazing.