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allthehoneys said:
meehan666 said:

I am sorry, but you seem to live in a fantasy land where software development is performed by waving a magical wand. Reality check, the most expensive resource on a project is the developers time. It is for that reason that many projects are selected or scrapped. Porting Halo 2 to make it work on a Wii would cost development time(amount other things); money that may or may not be recovered in sales. Porting the enhanced version of goldeneye to Wii would cost dev time; money that would be a total loss for MS and a massive gain for Nintendo if Rare does the work. You seem to be keen on arguing Nintendos side; why the hell would Microsoft ever agree to your take on the situation, I mean they have just as much veto power as Nintendo in this? Like I said, MS already spent the money to make THEIR enhanced version, why should they spend more to develope a game for a rival console? If Nintendo want an enhanced version, they should develope it, I mean, who knows their hardware better than their developers? Perhaps that is the hold up in all this, Nintendo don't feel that potential sales of an enhanced version of the game on their platform would cover their costs of development; thus they are trying to hold out in hopes MS will foot the bill.


There's no hope about it.  Rare and Microsoft did something foolish and if they ever want that investment to bear fruit they'll have to get Nintendo's consent.  Nintendo has much to lose and little to gain from this, so just getting a cut of the profits isn't going to do it for them, especially not at the expense of their own platform.  Microsoft's gaming division on the other hand would love to recoup (likely miniscule) and profit from that work, and I only see two options for them:  1. they scrap the project or 2. they come to an agreement with Nintendo to release on both platforms and settle for just sticking it to their other rival in Sony.  The third possibility of buying off Nintendo just seems a whole lot less likely.

I just find it hilarious that gamers want to lash out at Nintendo for a situation they didn't create and jump to Microsoft's defence (saint of a corporation that it is, always acting in the consumer's interest /sarcasm).

Much to lose by releasing a non enhanced version of Goldeneye? If it came out most of their user base wouldn't even care. I mean, how much are they hurting their platform everytime they release a multiplat that isn't as good as the 360 or PS3 version?