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meehan666 said:

Enough with Halo, it has no place in this discussion. Halo is a series that is very much alive (even the old Halo 2 had almost 13000 players on live the last 24 hours) with many sequels and new projects coming around. Goldeneye is a long dead title with no future prospects.

Yes, the competitors enhanced version might sell better (there are more to sales than software quality ie marketing, traffic on live arcade vs virtual console etc) however, they had to pay the cost for development, so their profit margin is not necessarily higher even if their version of the game sells more.  In this sense, it is better for Nintendo to just take what they can get. Right now, as it stands, they are making nothing on the game. If the deal goes through as is, they would at least make some money on it. Maybe their version wouldn't sell as much as MS's version, but they don't have development costs to recover, unlike MS.


 I realyl can't believe you are this dense. How can you hit the point so well but completely miss it. Halo 2 would never be ported because despite the fact that Microsoft could make plenty of money off of the royalties, Nintendo would see the biggest bonus. For the exact same reasons Nintendo should not allow a game to appear on the 360. If you don't get that, then you probably need to brush up on the very basics of business.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229