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Well, not making any predictions, but what do people consider "success" and "failure?" Do you think Sony really did ship 1 million units? Would "successs" be considered selling a certain percentage of those units, or would it be just an absolute number? Consider that if PS3 sells half of the supposed 1 million units it shipped, that's a 20% increase in total sales over the course of a single day. A full sellout would mean a 40% increase. How realistic are those possibilities, though? Realize that even an abyssmal 25% launch-day sellthrough is still 250,000 units. For one day. That's how much they sold in the week and a half after launch in the US. If Sony can push over half a million units in one day, it's good news for them. Which they desperately need right now. If they sell less than 100K, they're in deep poo. Anything in between could go any way.