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shams said:
hanafuda said:
shams said:
hanafuda said:
The sound on a good Blu-ray is also significantly better than that available on DVD.

Don't really understand why that rarely gets mentioned.

Maybe Australians couldn't give a XXXX about sound quality.

I really doubt this is a selling point. It must be a tiny percentage of people who have the right equipment hooked up to take maximum advantage of DVD quality sound - let alone BluRay quality sound.

The people in my house are too lazy(?) to even turn on the stereo - just one remote click - when watching a movie. They are more than happy to settle for movie sound from the TV (rather then get full surround) - they just don't care.

Its this same attitude that makes me think BluRay will struggle to convince the mass market that its worth upgrading to. DVD had significant "ease of use" advantages over VHS - BluRay has none over DVD.

When BluRay has become the standard, people will happily blindly use it - as long as it works the same as the old DVD player did.


If no one cared then surround sound systems and high range TVs would not exist. Only they do. Anyway, I'm not talking about surround, I'm talking about overall sound quality. Furthermore, Blu-ray does have better ease of use than DVD. I take it you don't actually own a Blu-ray setup or you wouldn't have made such a comment. Your opinion is fine, but know where you should draw the line. Also. mod or not, you are a Sony hater, and this rather lame article is nothing more than flamebait. Why even post it if your opinion of Blu-ray is so negative?? no comment. I guess no one cares about the 2% / 5% penetration stats - as they are perceived as "negative". Any news that isn't completely positive is "hating". I guess you didn't even reads the article.

Its not that *no one* cares - its the *most* people don't care. Its the mistake you guys seem to make time, and time again.

How does BluRay have "better ease of use" than a DVD player - and we are talking "compared to DVD / VHS" (i.e. menus, no rewinding, jump to any part of the movie, infinite pause, etc)? I don't think you know what you are talking about - give me ONE real example of how BluRay actually improves the "ease of use" over DVD.

Oh - and kill the hating comments - they are unacceptable and YOU know it. Its not my problem if you can't handle the reality of the situation BluRay is in now :P

I'll get back to your points, but not until you answer one simple question:

Do you own a Blu-ray player?

PSN - hanafuda