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FinalEvangelion said:
Bodhesatva said:

I'll be honest: this fight has been spun so many ways that I'm honestly not sure what to believe now. I've seen (seemingly) convincing evidence that Blu Ray is doing quite well: I've seen evidence like this that (seemingly) convinces me otherwise. Way too much spin. I'll just wait and see what happens. I have an HDTV and Blu Ray player already, so I can absolutely promise that I will not be buying either during this recession.


I'm with you on this.  Maybe it's somewhere between being a smashing success and a complete failure.  Unfortunately, people don't want to settle for something "between" and journalists will spin the facts to support their claim based on how much they like or hate Sony.

That's the best way to put it.  It's on the precipise right now.

Whether it succeeds or fails is in the balance... however i don't think it has to do with like or dislike with sony so much as it does how much the person has to make off it being successful.  Those who have a lot to gain from it spin it as successful (and those that care a lot.).

Those who don't have anything to gain, see data that says otherwise then assumes it must be even worse for the people to spin something so much one way.