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HappySqurriel said:

Had the Federal Reserve not flooded the market with money after the collapse of the Dot-Com bubble, or the 9/11 attacks, it is likely that those recessions would have been somewhat longer and somewhat more difficult for people; at the same time it is likely that home prices would have stagnated (or dropped) in many housing markets for long enough that people would have realised the foolishness of the sub-prime mortgages, and the bubble would not have grown so large as to risk the world ecconomy when it popped.


I thought I was the lone wolf on this site? I think you are the first person, other than myself, to ever mention the true cause of our financial and economic crisis. More people need to be educated about how bad of a job the Fed does. 

Huckabee would be a terrible choice for the Republicans. He is a pseudo populist. During the GOP primaries I heard him postulate that we could end our economic woes by building bridges, dams, and roads. When he started to sound like Hoover and Roosevelt, I knew I would never support him.