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meehan666 said:

The example isn't fine at all. Microsoft owns Halo fully. Even if Nintendo bought Bungie, they could not get Halo. Goldeneye is shared. Furthermore, its old and doesn't have the market appeal that Halo does. And speaking on that, yeah, with Gears 2, Banjo, Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead due out soon I am sure the game on xbox everyone is dying for is a remake of a decade old classic (not even taking into account this is the xbox 360 - the shooter console) I think goldeneye, if it did come out, enhanced or not, would have a minimal impact on the balance of power in the console landscape. 


 The example is fine. Nintendo owns the rights to Goldeneye (or at least enough for veto power of the game) and Halo 2 is an old game with a sequel already out. But I will approach this from a different stand point since you don't seem to follow the analogy.

 How does it benefit Nintendo to release the game on the competitions system? It does not at all. Now there is an offer for the old version of the game, but Nintendo clearly stands to gain more by getting the remake that is already done. The competition getting the remake gives the competitor a selling point, and more money for every game sold. Neither of those are good. Further, the remakes existence will hurt the appeal of the old version appearing on the Virtual Console. Accepting anything less than an equivalent product is the same as making a good game for the system and gimping your own port. Nintendo owns the rights, and thus has the right to demand an equivalent version.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229