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I haven't had a virus this bad since I lived with my mom. She had 4 or 5 different casino programs on her computer, and each one came with all kinds of spyware and malware, and I kept telling her it was the casinos and she wouldn't believe me. But it was mostly just pop-ups and slowdown, and LavaSoft Ad-Aware took care of it.

So... after I ran MalWare Guard and found 0 infected memory processes, 74 infected registry items, and 115 infected files/folders, I rebooted, and ran the longer advanced scan, and went to sleep. I woke up, and it found 0 infected meory processes, 8 infected registry items, and 8 infected files/folders. I removed them all.

Then I followed the Micro Antivirus shortcut on my desktop and deleted the folder it was in.

Then I rebooted again.

Micro Antivirus and the billion pop-ups are gone. Now there is just one pop-up every 4-5 minutes, but my timestamp for every file for every thing (created, modified, etc.) is VIRUS ALERT!

I'm gonna do another scan in Safe Mode now and leave for school.

Thanks everybody.