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Xen said:

Make the Nazis seem like nice people? Nazis burnt people alive in their homes, Nazis gassed the Jews, did mass executions, humiliated, enslaved, tortured...

What the Japanese forces did does not justify nuking citizens.


Hiroshima was a city of industrial and military significance.

The city of Nagasaki had been one of the largest sea ports in southern Japan and was of great wartime importance because of its wide-ranging industrial activity, including the production of ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war materials.

These are some of the things the Japanese military did to people during WW2.

Cannibalism, biological warfare experimentation, Mass famine, Forced labor by more than 10 million Chinese civilians, forced massed prostitution, widespread looting, Vivisection, toxic gas ordered to be used 1000's of times, cyanide gas was tested on Australian and Dutch prisoners, electrical shock tortue used on the testicles of prisoners.

*Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in different positions.
*Flame throwers were tested on humans.
*Humans were tied to stakes and used as targets to test germ-releasing bombs, chemical weapons and explosive bombs.
*Prisoners were injected with inoculations of disease, disguised as vaccinations, to study their effects.
*To study the effects of untreated venereal diseases, male and female prisoners were deliberately infected with syphilis and gonorrhea, then studied.
*Prisoners were infested with fleas in order to acquire large quantities of disease-carrying fleas for the purposes of studying the viability of germ warfare.
*Tularemia was tested on Chinese civilians.
* being hung upside down to see how long it would take for them to choke to death.
* having air injected into their arteries to determine the time until the onset of embolism.
* having horse urine injected into their kidneys.
* being deprived of food and water to determine the length of time until death.
* being placed into high-pressure chambers until death.
* being exposed to extreme temperatures and developed frostbite to determine how long humans could survive with such an affliction, and to determine the effects of rotting and gangrene on human flesh.
 * having experiments performed upon prisoners to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and human survival.
* being placed into centrifuges and spun until dead.
* having animal blood injected and the effects studied.
* being exposed to lethal doses of x-ray radiation.
* having various chemical weapons tested on prisoners inside gas chambers.
* being injected with sea water to determine if it could be a substitute for saline.