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selnor said:
Riachu said:
Griffin said:
I'm interested in getting an RPG on the PS3 but it appears MS has bought the timed exclusivity of this game for some time period. And the unreal engine is no good for an RPG, mass effect used it and had massive load times and pop-in and slowdowns all over the place, the exact same thing happened for Lost Odyssey. So only time will tell if this game suffers the same problems as those game.

Bioware games tend to get technical issues so Mass Effect having them was not a big suprise.  Mistwalker had trouble with the UE3 since they were not experienced in the technology used in the engine.  TLR so far doesn't have those problems and looks to be a very polished game.




WTF? Lost Odyssey tech issues? It had no pop in. All it had was an occasional frame rate drop. I have finished it 3 times. I would have noticed tech issues.

Yeah, the tech issues in LO are severely overrated. Even the loading times are a bit of a non-issue given the extremely low encounter rate.


Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall