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steven787 said:
It will turn the page on 8 years of Republican mismanagement, and lead to an era of Democratic mismanagement...

Oh, Huckabee. Yeah, he's adorable, that TV show he's doing might kill his chances. Too personal.

He could have cemented his place as leader for the Republican party, like Howard Dean did.

I don't think he'll win the nomination in 2012.

I think the party is going to under go some massive changes when McCain loses.

The good part about losing a bunch of seats, is that new people can run next time. 2010-2012 will see true fiscal conservatives, abandoning the religious right, and be waiting to say "I told you so" in 8 to 12 years when the economy inevitably has another down cycle (which has nothing to do with most policy).


This will be a much more effective party. They can still have conservative social doctorine, but they can't make it the focal point. A much better fiscal conservatism that does not go free market crazy might be appealing. It depends on how the budget looks in 4-8 years.

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