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Sqrl said:
TheKingslayer said:
I think this comes down to a momemtum thing. The Wii has been riding high, and at some point it will get a bit stagnant. That may not happen this holiday season though. What I do see is that the 360 because of it's major titles coming this holiday season, starting with Halo 3 in September, along with the price drop across all three platforms is going to outperform everyone. With games like Mass Effect hype, and Bio shock getting great attention/review's they have good titles on the shelves for the audience. We also can not forget that Halo 2 did 125 million in billing at its release, and it pushed systems. Halo 3 will do the same, just look at the pre-orders. I know many people who own Wii's planing to get a 360 and vice versa. The Wii doesn't have a better line-up of games that will make a dent over the 360's. I anticipate the 360 being ahead of it by 700,000 to 800,000 units after the holidays because of that...

There are plenty of threads to talk about this stuff in, lets just let the Wii have this one thread where people don't feel the need to say it will all come crashing down.


On topic: This is an important milestone for any console, and getting here this quick is a pretty big achievement, makes me wonder how long until some other console comes along and breaks the record. Any guesses on how many months until it passes its next 10 million mark?

Put me down for 5.5 months.


 I'd guess February.