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@Jerseyboy recently about 2 months ago my friend was in a similar situation as yours. He wanted to buy a Wii and I told him at this point you'd be better off getting yourself a 360 because of the upcoming pricecut. I knew an arcade was good enough for him because he's not the type of person to blow money on XBL and DLC like me. I didn't think he'd actually take my advice but two weeks ago he randomly bought an arcade...

Anywho it depends on your friend, does he want the Xbox to play it's RPGs? Does he want to play shooters online with it? Does he want both? Does he want Braid, or Castle Crashers, Galaxy Wars, Penny Arcade etc. etc. If he answers yes to any of the above than take disolitude's route.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-