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nathantay said:
TheKingslayer said:
I think this comes down to a momemtum thing. The Wii has been riding high, and at some point it will get a bit stagnant. That may not happen this holiday season though. What I do see is that the 360 because of it's major titles coming this holiday season, starting with Halo 3 in September, along with the price drop across all three platforms is going to outperform everyone. With games like Mass Effect hype, and Bio shock getting great attention/review's they have good titles on the shelves for the audience. We also can not forget that Halo 2 did 125 million in billing at its release, and it pushed systems. Halo 3 will do the same, just look at the pre-orders. I know many people who own Wii's planing to get a 360 and vice versa. The Wii doesn't have a better line-up of games that will make a dent over the 360's. I anticipate the 360 being ahead of it by 700,000 to 800,000 units after the holidays because of that...

I agree.

 I don't.