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fastyxx said:
the point is if you only read the later comments without the context of the original one, you're missing the intended message.

One of the reasons people play games online is because titles like Halo or World of Warcraft or HalfLife or Counterstrike or TF2 or Oblivion change and evolve over time whereas Mario Kart or Brawl or the like barely change from iteration to iteration, let alone within the context of a single title's release. That's the only point I'm trying to make.

It's not about Halo or 360 versus Wii or Halo versus Mario Kart.

Developers getting rewarded for expanding and servicing their games over months and years past launch is good for gamers, as we will get the same treatment in the future. Gamers buying the games that have relatively lazy updates, like Mario Kart Wii in many ways, in huge numbers is relatively BAD for gamers. There's no motivation to push the envelope.

Wouldn't we be in a better place as gamers if Portal sold significantly more than Hannah Montana's Makeup Party? Same idea, only for top sellers.

Erm... I was talking about your original post in this thread.... in fact take the bit that you quoted of yourself ("But I'd much rather.....") and it fits right in the middle of the bits Oyvoyvoyv quoted.

Why is this all about online.... other people in this thread have already mentioned how they still played MK:DD with friends up to the point MKWii was released (and the same for MK64 up to DD, as well as Brawls iterations)