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Mario Kart has alwasy been quite a fascinating franchise when it comes to sales. I mean it takes the most popular characters in a franchise and the most recognizable character in gaming and puts them in cart racing. I mean at first it sounds like well weird but it came down to racing being one of the most mainstream forms of gaming in the world. Not only could racing provide a tough challenge for core gamers it provided something easy for all mainstream and casual gamers to get into quickly.

Considering this has been what Wii is all about, supporting core and mainstream alike, it was like lighting a match in an armory. I mean it's been explosive. I mean it had the help of MK being a well known franchise but give the core gamers their online and persistent support of online along with many control setups and the rest of the gamers an easy way to jump in and play something extremely fun and you've gotten this. This game on Wii has truly been the epiphany of smart business along with being able to make a solid game for everyone. I congratulate Nintendo heavily for this one as I don't think anyone else has been able to perfect that model better in a game.