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Xen said:
Bodhesatva said:
Xen said:
Cheap to develop, millions it will sell. They're like a lesser EA, but they treat the Wii and DS far worse. Their whole approach is defined by making the most money possible.


As opposed to, what, caring about your interests? All of them are only looking to make the most money possible. If you believe otherwise, you've been fooled.

As an obvious example considering your avatar, SquareEnix does not make less money than Ubisoft because they genuinely care about your interests, and are willing to make less money than Ubisoft if it makes you happy; they make less money because they haven't been as savvy with their money in recent years.

I should have added making the most money while spending the least. That's what I meant.



That makes more sense! Normally, I am a proponent of cost considerations. My favorite game this generation is Wii Sports, after all, and my two favorite games of all time are Chess and Go, which cost around .02 dollars to reproduce on an Atari 2600.

But that does not mean I endorse all cheaply made games. Among those I do not endorse are these made by Ubisoft. So jeers to Ubisoft. Jeers, I say!">">