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i want to point out that to people without the possibility of getting a hdtv, the b-ray player in the ps3 is meaning less, so that cant justify the price, i got i ps3 but it took me a year to get one, im happy with it but is just to expensive. now if it reaches $300 that could change things a lot. is like saying x console is in good price cus it comes wiht and astronaut helmet, only those that can get in a rocket can care.
i think the ps3 is a great machine but is still too expensive.

another thing is i think the 360 is going to get the dreamcast result if it keeps getting lower. Remember people sega tried to get more gamers by lowering the price, but in the eyes of people the low price was a sing of low value. Could that happen to the Xbox?

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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