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Bitmap Frogs said:
nitekrawler1285 said:


Not all games have to push the most polygons and have high resolution textures to be hits. Ask Nintendo.  Developers just choose to do so ignoring customer demands for a fun product and inflating developement costs for themselves.  If they don't learn to change their developement proccesses then they wont have to worry about it once they have closed their doors because they didn't  get large enough returns on their investment.


Low profile graphics only work for the wii and the digital distribution networks. Disc based games with crappy graphics get lambasted by reviews and end up hurting in sales. Up to a certain point it's a better investment (on the HD twins) to bank on graphics and a high price rather than low-fi and budget prices.

Frankly, it's appaling how some of you are pretending to tell them how to run their business just to justify stealing. If you think the vast majority of people hooked on the .25c / game torrented piñata are gonna start buying in droves at 40$, you are sorely mistaken. Only people who BUY games have their decisions impacted by price of the product. People who STEAL don't care about the price sticker. It's been proven over and over.

If someone was stealing your product and had the balls to go tell you how to run your business, what would your reaction be? So far there is NO argument at all justifying piracy that can't be broken down into basically "I am doing it, I like doing it and I want to keep doing it".

I think someone has been learning how to paraphrase and is doing it wrong.  Listen, this is not a pro-piracy thread.  Are you still sore from our argument the other day?  Anyway I just had to butt in because I would like to point out that MMORPGs are mostly flourishing from oh a couple of bucks here and there.  Nothing much.  And you're still missing the point, piracy will always be present but the people who support it will consider something legal if it's affordable.  Why are you so damn adamant on keeping the regular folks away from HD content?  Are you one of those guys who thinks just because you can afford the high price on a regular basis it means you're special?  That's quite sad.

Anyway to close this, the Publishers are reacting incorrectly to piracy and used-game-afficionados.  Many people go to stores and scoff at the prices of HD games, these guys are like you and me only they just don't like paying too much for something that they think is over-priced.  While it may or may not be overpriced seems to still be a matter of opinion (some people just don't have anything better to buy with extra cash I guess) it still remains that the general market does not think that the current pricing of games is a reasonable expense.  And if it's true that Sony and Microsoft are selling their systems at a loss and is making up for it in terms of software sales, boost of their software sales would also boost the popularity of their system.  It's a vicious cycle you see.  It's not really that new.