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If I wanted to see trivial articles about a group of elitists that think they count as "gamers" then I'd go to N4G. I'd love it if you posted positive PS3 articles than constantly keeping the supply of this kind of subjective monotone rich in quantity on this forum.

Sony Fan - "Hmm, decisions.. I think I'll go into the Wii room today."
Wii fans - "Wow so many cool games this week!"
Sony Fan - "Hey guys apparently the new DSi sucks according to gamers!"
Wii fans - "Ok.."
(2 minutes later)
Sony Fan - "I just found this tid-bit of spin about Reggie saying that the hardcore want too much!"

I could go into the Sony section and post about how Blu-Ray is struggling or the durability issue with Blu-Ray readers, or the lack of RPGS on a 2 year old console, how about the lack of exclusives or even better yet the crummy web browser that's comfy to use but very slow and no flash player 8... the list goes on and on and on, let others enjoy their system of choice; please.

The concept behind this is like seeing a 5-year-old play with his kid sister and you watching decide to show the kid to porn. You’re not the one in the porn so you can claim that you’re outside of the material but it's still not needed.

Considering most of these journalists that you’re quoting believe that you and others outside have there little group are nothing but mouth feeders and shouldn’t have the same privileges they have as far as gaming information goes expressing their negativity for free should be the last thing on your mind. (I’m even wondering why you just posted in October and article from June/July as if it’s news.)


I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D