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I'm currently in a play through.
My oldest brother bought the game when it first came out.
He got the Ness's Nightmare and quit.
I could never get past Frankie.
Then again I was like 4 or 5.
He finally beat it, I sort of lost interest.
We moved, since then I've never seen the cart. D:
I got a ROM and finally beat it, I was stuck to it.
A month later, beat it again.
Month after that, beat it again :D
Its my favorite game of all time, and I spend my days waiting for the Fan Translation to be finished.

I got tons of Fan art, here's a couple.

Ness in full Wind Waker 3D.


Skyrunner. Shiny.


I own all of lastgen systems as of October 2008. (Finally got a Dreamcast)

I own every currentgen system except PS3.