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In my experience, there are three types of gamers.  Those who have a preference for a particular console (because we all have a preference), those who support a particular brand, and finally there are the fanboys and fangirls.  For the latter, I offer a simple solution that will allow you to enjoy the other systems without contradicting your own unwavering bias. 

Purchase competing consoles and games used.  Go on EBay, pawn shops, sift through the Used shelves and bins at your local gaming store.  Consider the following facts:

1. Publishers and companies do not receive anything for used sales.  Purchasing a used console financially supports whatever institution you got it from.  By purchasing them used, you can feel guilt-free when playing another console, knowing that instead of supporting that particular brand, your purchases actually harm them in a very slight manner.

2. Your opinion is more credible!  Rather than being in a position where you're simply spewing out unfounded hatred for other consoles, you can always refer to your collection and boldly (and more accurately) declare that your opinion is founded on your personal experience rather than brand loyalty.  This little detail will actually make your arguments more convincing, and you might be able to prevent your friends from purchasing a new one and supporting the brand(s) you don't like.  Victory for the fanboys and fangirls!!

3. You get a richer, more fulfilling gaming experience.  Face it, sometimes we don't like a console exclusive simply because it is for a console we don't like.  But if it was on one we do support, we'd be going stark, raving mad with anticipation.  This way, you can enjoy them.  You get to be true to your gaming tastes and not compromise your gaming library with questionable titles, and since you're doing your part to harm that console while you're doing so, the experience is that much more sweet.  Not only that, but now you have the ability to choose the superior of the multiplatform titles, because sometimes, one console gets sweeter bells and whistles than the others.