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kitler53 said:

I just want to point out that's a big reason of why i'm NOT buying a blu-ray player.

at the VHS to DVD transition i had a sense of urgency.  i said to myself, "why the hell am i putting money into this VHS when it's going to be obsolete in 2 years and i'll just have to re-buy as a dvd??  i might as well just get the dvd now and be done with it."

with the DVD to BRD transition i have no urgency.  i say to myself, "whatever, the dvd is cheaper and if i ever get a blu ray player this dvd will play.  besides, more pixels won't make this particular movie any better (<--assumes i'm buying something other then the summer blockbusters: batman, ironman, harry potter, ect.) so i'm just going to wait for a price drop before i spend my money"

so yeah - BC is a great bullet point but it works against the format just as much as it works for the format.



Wow... great point.  I hadn't even thought of that, but I have to admit that worrying about investing too long in an "obsolete" technology has often pushed me to "upgrade".  Take away the obsoletion factor, and I can imagine that would work against a new technology.