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Sorry for my ignorance but this is the first I've heard of my favourite developer (ensemble studios) being shut down! I know bungie has been shut down too but this is the part that got me in the article i just read...

"with rumblings that the company is planning on shifting focus from the hardcore to the casual market."

What is Microsoft doing! what other devs are being shut down or have been shut down recently? why is Microsoft getting rid of some of the best developers in the world! What the hell is with this "casual market" crap!? Hasn't Microsoft heard of Malstrom??? If this keeps going im going to join the haters of this "casual market" cos its screwing with some really good dev teams!!! would it be wrong to blame ubi soft? or can we start to blame microsoft as well?

I'm all for nintendos casual market cos they know what their doing (nintendos casual = hard core), but this is just madness!

All I can do is hope that the independent studios formed from these disbandings produce even better games then when MS ruled the roost :(

If at first you don't succeed, you fail