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bobobologna said:
kitler53 said:


i've said it before and i'll say it again...i'm just not interested in disc-based format. i need more benifits then just picture quality from my next format.


Where you ever interested in a disc-based format?  I think that most people who currently purchase DVDs to own will move on to Bluray as prices drop (whenever that is).  Digital distribution of movies so far is great for rentals, not great for purchase.  In other words, it'll replace Blockbuster, not the movie section at Best Buy.  In fact, does anyone know where I can download HD movies to keep?  I know that itunes let's you buy movies, but only at 640x480 resolution.

when dvd first came out...yeah i was interested in disc.  vs. VHS it had all kinds of great features like not having to rewind, commentary, smaller shelf size, and i was tired to the VCR eating my tapes all the time.  in complete honesty...i never noticed the upgrade in picture/sound quality. 

yes, i do relize HD has a better picture then dvd and no - i don't really care.  i want the same conviences i get with my music now: can travel with my entire library (can you imagine going on a plane with several hundred CDs? eww), search functions for finding the specific song i want, and the practically non-existant storage space (i have 3 bookshelves of dvds atm and will need a 4th soon,'s pissing me off how much space i'm committing to dvds).

blu ray doesn't give me any functional improvements...and therefore i simply don't care to spend any money "upgrading" to blu-ray.  more money per disc and a several hundred dollar player just means less money to buy things i actually want.