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To AOE III experts (if there are any on here)

I got a big lan battle coming up this weekend, its going to be my first AOE III battle against real players. I have a lot of online experience with AOE II and I was exceptionally good at the game but AOE III is a much quicker and more balanced game so old techniques from AOE II don’t work in the same way.

Basically I've been working on two strategies, and I want to know if they sound in theory to be effective against human players, because their very effective against the AI. The two strategies outlined below include building a wooden wall around my base while advancing to the second age, but that’s my only real defence for the first 10 mins of the game. I also play on normal speed starting with the basic resources.

Technique 1
I play as the britts and have developed a quick advancing strategy that allows me to get to the 4th age in I think my best time is 13 minutes using resource shipments. this technique allows me to get to my cannons quickly and also the large unit shipments of 20 long bowmen, 15 musketeers, etc. What this means though is for the first 10 minutes of the game I have no army, but I boom the moment I get into the 4th age. So basically I see this technique as trading advancing resources for big unit shipments ASAP. This conversion technique lets me advance quickly while building an army but i'm thinking the army might come just a little to late. :(

Technique 2
Another technique I've got is a slower one that focuses on the third age. Instead of advancing to the 4th age to get good shipments I focus on getting to the third age in 9 minutes and then build a huge army of cannons, and mainly longbowmen with a few musketeers. With this technique I have a substantially bigger army quicker but I don’t have access to improving my cannons or really improving my infantry or the really good home town shipments until a bit later in the game.

Also I’m interesting in knowing what sort of techniques would work well to counter my techniques. How quickly can people rush in AOE III and what sort of units do they use for the highest rush efficiency? (being rushed is my greatest fear) Would it be advisable to build a small army the moment I get to the seccond age? or would waiting a few minutes to get the 3rd to build cannons be better?

I've also noticed that cavalry have lost their edge due to high costs and the fact they take up 2 population and are murdered by pikemen. Are cavalry used a lot in online gaming or mainly as a counter to artillery?

If you have any other advice from online gaming let me know! Thank you!

If at first you don't succeed, you fail