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|_emmiwinks said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:

As of the latest US software numbers, MK wii is now tied with Halo 3. Considering how much MK Wii sells every week, it's going to boost right by and never look back come next week. What are your thoughts on this? Honestly, even after seeing the crazy legs MK Wii has had, I'm surprised. I never would've though it'd gain ground on this gen's #1 this quickly.


Still doesnt match Halo 3 on attach rate and install base. Call me when that happens. Its just as important as it selling as many units. :)


not sure if the smiley was supposed to imply some form of underlying humour, but assuming you were serious...

attach rate only matters to fans more than overall sales do.. (because the only situation where attachrate would matter to the industry would be if consoles had all sold the same amount, but even then, that'd just be an LTD sales comparison)

consider this (using last gen figures because it is easier to make a point with round numbers, although it still applies to this generation), if the ps2 had a game that sold to 10% (about 12m) of its userbase, and gc had a game that sold to 50% (about 10m) of its userbase, do you think the developers would think "wow.. screw the ps2"

While attachrate has some merit in the industry.. it is nowhere near as important as how many units a game has sold