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@Kirby007 - When, exactly, did we start talking about Brain Training?  The subject is whether or not the DSi will expand their 13+ demo.  Seriously, stick to the topic at hand instead of making a fool of yourself.

@FJ-Warez - That is their core democraphic.  They already hae that demo won, what they need to do now is murder the PSP's mindshare with otehr demographics.  At least, if they want the total market dominance they are used to.  Therefore, the most pressing question should be whether or not Nintendo will expand their over 12 demo.  He explicitly uses that word I bolded, because that's the question.  It's not "will they create a 13+ demo," it's "will they expand their 13+ demo."  Two totally different things, and, once again, you should be ashamed of yourself for not even being able to distinguish between the two.

You do not have the right to never be offended.