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Mendicate Bias said:
superchunk said:
Mendicate Bias said:
Hawk said:


That's just it. You are completely wrong in that statement. Its a ripple effect. Just as the store is hurt as the loss builds up as more items are stolen, so to is the game dev or music writer. Eventually the losses get to the point where the publisher or development house can't afford 15 programmers and decide to fire a couple. Then those families are f'ed until they can find new work.

You are just being naive. Any money lost in large enough amounts affects everyone; and first to go are those that need those jobs and that income the most.


EDIT: Spend 2yrs making something with your own investment and then watch 1/3rd of people just walk up and take it for free before you pass judgement.

Being poor doesn't mean you should get anything but education and medicine for free. A game is far from a life necessity.

You missed the whole point I'm trying to make, the publishers aren't losing anything because even if that particular consumer wanted to they couldn't afford the game. Yes piracy sucks and everyone should buy their products, but prices should also be scaled accordingly. Scaling software prices is a synch when compared to hardware (although consoles are a different story).

Also thats ignoring countries like Iran who don't even get legitimate copies of games sent to them and have to pirate games if they want to play them.

If I made an entertainment product and was selling it in both America and Iran then I would adjust my prices accordingly for both countries and offer the consumer incentives for not pirating otherwise I would be foolish not to expect getting pirated.

Like I said before stop looking at it in black and white and pay attention to the shades of grey


   You are not a parent I see.  I love my children dearly, and I would love to give them absolutely everything they want.  And, I almost can.  For a two year old anyway  8).  But that would be completely irresponsible of me, I have a hard time doing it, but I temper it, and keep my self from buying my son every toy and piece of candy he wants, when he wants it.  If I did, what results as they grow up, is a spoiled brat who expects everyone else to do everything for them.  They learn to expect to just get something because they want it, and to not have to work for it.  They expect to be a parasite on others.  And so, if I did give my kids everything they wanted, and taught them to take everything they wanted, I would have robbed them of their potential to be self sufficent and be productive for themselves, their family, and possibly community.

   I think the encouraging of people in third world countries to steal software all they want, robs them of their potential to do something more.  Instead of wasting time (video games are a LUXURY) on stolen software, that you didn't even support the people who made it, you could do something more productive. Rather than creating this complete pit hole of time.

   And video games are a LUXURY.  I have completely different views when someone doesn't have food, or shelter, and doesn't have the opportunity to earn it, or the opportunity to immediately get it when needed.

EDIT:  Oh, and because I have a plasma TV, does not in anyway make the truth somehow automatically wrong.

And as much as you don't believe it, piracy does hurt the industry.  Someone who is given the feeling that piracy is ok, could pirate 1000 games they never would have paid for.  Very true.  But, if they realized they need to earn what they have, and spent that time doing that, then they could have paid and litimately owned 100 games they paid for.  So they may have not hurt the industry by removing the 1000 games they stole from making profit, but they certainly stole from the industry.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)