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BenKenobi88 said:
As pretty as it looks for the Wii, and as cool as multiplayer will be for Wii owners,
A) It NEEDS local multiplayer, and
B) It still has the possibility of a weak campaign...a pretty game can still have bad AI and uninteresting gameplay.

An exclusive, good-looking Wii game with online multiplayer is great, but I find the Wii best for local multiplayer, and I'm not going to buy the game just because it's a good FPS on the Wii, it still needs to stand up to other games in some way.

Compete with what other games?  Oh you mean games not on Wii?   Keep that single solitary point in mind when considering the Conduit's importance.


Let's consider something real quick, would an N64/PS era FPS ever have received this kind of attention 3 years into the PS2 era? 
Absolutely not.   That says something when what may consider a last generation technological machine can hold its ground against the HD consoles.

As for your alphabetic points, I don't think you're going to get A with this one.  They're pushign the Wii just a little too much right now to try and do it twice over on one machine.  Maybe once they tweak the game engine for the sequel.   And B is kinda of a pointless statement because that's applicable to every single game in existence prior to release.   It also flies in the face of many hands on impressions claiming the game to be quite fun to play.

The rEVOLution is not being televised