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hum question: don't you guys want to wait for Halo 3 to be released or at least review before arguing if it's a revolution or not ???
it's like KZ 2, for what i have seen, I don't see how it's innovating ?? (not saying it's bad)
about comapring GOW and halo it's stupid first it's a TPS, the game setting is totaly diferent, cover system, pace of the game, size of the map, freedom in those maps etc...

and if I had to make a guess about innovation in halo it would be the AI probably, which is going to be a big difference than other game...I haven't seen any AI in FPS good lately.... even HL 2 was freaking bad...

to answer the question, I'm a halo fan and I haven't pre ordered yet... but I'll buy it when I don't know.... I want mass effect and bioshock absolutely too... so we'll see it depends how long I stay on bioshock....