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ChichiriMuyo and c0rd both made the points I wanted to make.

1. The people who pirate, especially in 3rd world countries were never going to buy the product in the first place.

2. Digital theft is not the same as physical because the original owner is not losing anything from the digital copying of the product.

If companies cared about pirating in 3rd world countries then they should bring the prices of their products down to a reasonable level for their consumers. When a new game costs the same as the fathers weekly salary then you can bet pirating is going to occur.

I frankly don't care if a 8 year old kid is having fun playing a pirated copy of spore in an internet cafe somewhere in Bagdhad, it doesn't effect anyone. The creators of the game would never have seen a penny from this kid because he cant afford the game at full retail price. As long as he's not physicaly hurting the owners then why not let him have his fun.

Some of you need to stop looking at things in black and white and realise there are shades of gray.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers